There are many people that avoid visiting the dentist, but they at a certain point, your smile can become painful. Sometimes, when tooth pain is so excruciating from a deep infection, the only option could be tooth extraction.
There are several ways to pull a tooth from home, but either way, it will be painful—and dangerous. It’s best to always visit your dentist when you think you need a tooth extraction. In fact, with modern dentistry, dentists are able to create a positive, painless dental experience.
When a tooth becomes severely damaged, overcrowded, or infected your dentist will perform a tooth extraction. This is for the sole purpose of saving the rest of your smile. This is the last option to be explored because dentists want to save your teeth—not pull them all out! Before you move forward with getting a tooth extraction, communicate with your dentist these things:
A tooth may be damaged by a chip or crack and leave your surrounded teeth and gums susceptible to infection, which could lead to tooth loss. Pulling your natural teeth becomes a very real possibility if tooth decay has taken over the tooth so that other teeth don’t become infected.
Sometimes, your teeth can grow into the wrong positions which can dramatically decline oral health. If teeth are too big to fit within the mouth as they’re supposed to, they may block other teeth from growing into their correct places as well. Extracting the problem tooth can give your natural teeth the ability to grow into the correct places.
This reason was addressed above with damage, but damage isn’t the only way that a tooth can become infected. Gum disease and other dental problems could leave your teeth susceptible to infection as well. If the pulp of your tooth becomes infected below the gum line, it can easily spread to your other natural teeth. Normally, your dentist may recommend a root canal, but there are some cases a root canal won’t reverse the damage that’s already present. A tooth extraction could be necessary.
Have you been experiencing some pain in a tooth or extreme sensitivity? You may have damage to a tooth that needs to be addressed. Your dentist could save your smile with a simple tooth extraction.
Here at The Dental Centre, we believe in conservative dentistry, meaning that Dr. Jack Fan will try to save your natural teeth whenever possible. If there is a time that a tooth does need to be pulled, Dr. Fan can perform comfortable extractions. In fact, Dr. Fan takes pride in helping people look better and feel better with a healthy smile. If you need a trusted dentist in Austin, feel free to call our office to schedule an appointment.
Austin, TX
4301 W WILLIAM CANNON DR Building B #240, Austin, TX 78749
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